How initiatives work

An initiative includes a Hub site and ready-made content, such as apps, surveys, and Hub pages, that you can configure for your own use. The ArcGIS Hub Template Gallery is where you can browse for initiatives by topic or area of focus. Initiative templates include initiatives created by others within your ArcGIS Online organization, the public, and Esri.


You can create a blank initiative to bundle your content around a site. You can even choose to turn your initiative and its content into an initiative template for others to use.

There are two ways to start an initiative: create your own or activate a template. People who have an ArcGIS Online account for a hub's primary ArcGIS Online organization can create initiatives if they have the correct role and privileges.

You can create initiatives (site only and content group) if you are assigned the default Publisher role. To create an initiative with engagement features, you must have a custom role based on the default Publisher role, plus the following administrative privileges:

  • The Create with update capabilities (Groups) privilege allows you to create a core team. The update capability means that anyone who's a member of the group (core team members) can update any item shared to the group.
  • The Assign members (Groups) privilege allows you to add members directly to the core team without sending an invitation to their email. This privilege is recommended because it enables you to immediately share content with new core team or supporting team members. The next time that they sign in to ArcGIS Hub, they can read their notifications to know which team they've been added to and see any items that have been shared with the group.
  • The Make groups available to public (Sharing) privilege allows you to create events.

For more information, see Configure roles and privileges.

Default initiative items and groups

Each initiative you create or activate in ArcGIS Hub is added to your organization's subscription to ArcGIS Online as an Initiative-name Hub Site Application, Initiative-name Hub Initiative Template item, and three default groups. These groups allow you to share the content in a systematic way.

Group/item nameItems shared to this group

Initiative-Name Content Group

When you add item's to your initiative site's content library, you're sharing the item with this view group.

Initiative-Name Core Team Group

An edit group that enables your initiative's core team members to edit the initiative's site.

This group manages the items (content) that you want site core team members to edit. The site is automatically shared to this group, so that core team members can make edits. You must specify the additional items you want to share with this group using the item's sharing controls.

Initiative-Name Followers Group

A view group that enables your initiative's core team members to share items with people who have signed up to follow your initiative.

People (employees and community members) can sign up for updates about your initiative from the core team by clicking a configured Follow Initiative card on the initiative site. By signing up, people are added as members to this group and core team members can send them updates and share content with them.