GIS Pioneers Discuss GIS in the Next Millennium

The 21st century is an exciting time for users of GIS. Explosive growth fueled by faster, cheaper, and more powerful software that is easy to use has propelled the industry to new heights. With the global number of GIS users standing at more than two million, what can we expect now?

To answer that question, ArcNews has asked 10 prominent figures in the GIS world to discuss their views. These experts represent diverse industries, from energy to science, from government to academia, yet all have witnessed the significant changes that have taken place in GIS and have a keen understanding of what the future may bring. Each contributor responded enthusiastically, and we are very pleased to present their thoughts in this special ArcNews supplement.

We are fortunate to have such an excellent group of individuals share with us their thoughts on what GIS is going to be in the next millennium. Their exceptional work, talent, and vision, like so many users of GIS, have helped pave the way for groundbreaking applications that have made a real impact on our society and in people's lives. To have a chance to learn from them is a tremendous opportunity for all of us.

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