src.dir=./src dist.dir=./dist build.dir=./build[your proxy server name or IP address] proxy.user=[your proxy user id] proxy.password=[your proxy password] axis.home=[location where axis is installed] activation.lib=[location of activation.jar] authentication.wsdl= mapimage.wsdl= Listing 1: Contents of Listing 2: Contents of build.xml Listing 3: The core ant task is used to define the conversion task. etc. Listing 4: Ant tag package com.nstar.arcweb; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.esri.arcweb.v2.CircleDescription; import com.esri.arcweb.v2.IMapImage; import com.esri.arcweb.v2.Layer; import com.esri.arcweb.v2.MapImageInfo; import com.esri.arcweb.v2.MapImageLocator; import com.esri.arcweb.v2.MapImageOptions; import com.esri.arcweb.v2.MapImageSize; import com.esri.arcweb.v2.Point; public class MapClient { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(MapClient.class); /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { try{ // set the proxy server properties Properties properties = System.getProperties(); properties.put("http.proxyHost", "your proxy server name or IP address"); properties.put("http.proxyPort", "your proxy port"); properties.put("http.proxyUser", "your proxy user id"); properties.put("http.proxyPassword", "your proxy password"); Properties newprops = new Properties(properties); System.setProperties(newprops); // set esri global account information. String username = "Esri Global Account username"; String password = "Esri Global Account Password"; //int expiration = 60; // in seconds //set the data source String dataSource = "Esri.Basemap.World"; //Locate Authentication Web services com.esri.arcweb.v2.AuthenticationLocator loc = new com.esri.arcweb.v2.AuthenticationLocator(); com.esri.arcweb.v2.IAuthentication auth = loc.getIAuthentication(); //set the map size MapImageSize miSize = new MapImageSize(); miSize.setHeight(400); miSize.setWidth(600); //set the point of interest double cirRadius = 5.0; String cirUnits = "Miles"; double cirX = -117.175; double cirY = 34.055; Point cirPoint = new Point(); cirPoint.setX(cirX); cirPoint.setY(cirY); CircleDescription circle[] = new CircleDescription[1]; CircleDescription circle1 = new CircleDescription(); circle1.setCenter(cirPoint); circle1.setRadius(cirRadius); circle1.setRadiusUnits(cirUnits); circle[0] = circle1; //Obtain a layers collection array. MapImageLocator miLocator = new MapImageLocator(); IMapImage mi = miLocator.getIMapImage(); Layer[] layers = mi.getLayerInfo(dataSource); //set map image options MapImageOptions miOptions = new MapImageOptions(); miOptions.setDataSource(dataSource); miOptions.setDisplayLayers(layers); miOptions.setMapImageFormat("jpg"); miOptions.setMapImageSize(miSize); miOptions.setReturnLegend(true); miOptions.setCircles( circle); //get the map url MapImageInfo miInfo = mi.getBestMap(miOptions, auth.getToken(username, password));;; }catch (Exception e){ log.warn(e); e.printStackTrace(); } } } Listing 5: Source code for Properties properties = System.getProperties(); properties.put("http.proxyHost", [your proxy host name]; properties.put("http.proxyPort", "80"); properties.put("http.proxyUser", [your proxy account name]; properties.put("http.proxyPassword", [your proxy account password]; Properties newprops = new Properties(properties); System.setProperties(newprops); Figure 6: Properties settings for the proxy server AuthenticationLocator loc = new AuthenticationLocator(); IAuthentication auth = loc.getIAuthentication(); String token = auth.getToken(username, password); Figure 7:Obtaining a taken from the Authentication Web Service MapImageSize miSize = new MapImageSize(); miSize.setHeight(400); miSize.setWidth(600); Point cirPoint = new Point(); cirPoint.setX(-117.199577); cirPoint.setY(34.048364); CircleDescription circle[] = new CircleDescription[1]; CircleDescription circle1 = new CircleDescription(); circle1.setCenter(cirPoint); circle1.setRadius(5.0); circle1.setRadiusUnits("Miles"); circle[0] = circle1; Listing 8: Code for generating a map of Redlands within a five-mile radius of Esri MapImageOptions miOptions = new MapImageOptions(); miOptions.setDataSource(dataSource); miOptions.setDisplayLayers(layers); miOptions.setMapImageFormat("jpg"); miOptions.setMapImageSize(miSize); miOptions.setReturnLegend(true); miOptions.setCircles( circle); Listing 9: Using the MapImageOPtions object to communicate with the MapImage Web Service. MapImageInfo miInfo = mi.getBestMap(miOptions, auth.getToken(username, password));;; Listing 10: MapImageObject