Bridge Analyst

By AgileAssets Inc

Solution details




AgileAssets® Bridge Analyst™ is a proven, multi-period, multi-constraint, browser-based, GIS-integrated, bridge management system (BMS) that allows public transportation agencies to optimize their decisions to more effectively allocate funds for bridge maintenance, rehabilitation and replacement. Achieve the Highest Possible ROI The comprehensive analysis of bridge condition and inventory data, including what-if and level-of-service (LOS) scenarios allows agencies to maximize the effect of their bridge budgets and achieve the highest possible Return on Investment (ROI). Unmatched Analytics Means More Effective Bridge Management Bridge Analyst provides unmatched analytics capabilities in areas essential to effective bridge management, including user-defined decision trees with specified treatments for different condition levels, performance prediction models and a wide array of scenario analyses. Scenarios include funding requirements at specific performance levels for individual or multiple bridges, as well as future performance and maintenance backlogs at different funding levels. Configure to Agency Requirements Bridge Analyst system components, including user-defined performance criteria, modeling features, decision trees, analysis scenarios and reporting capabilities, can be configured to meet agency requirements. Easy to Deploy, Easy to Access Bridge Analyst’s browser-based UI facilitates access at the office or in the field, while eliminating IT deployment issues.


Highways & Roads, Public Engineering, Public Works

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