Allied Technical Consultants Inc

Hays, KS, United States


Allied Technical Consultants, Inc. (ATCi) is a provider of quality GIS tools and services. The staff here at ATCi has over 20+ years of combined GIS experience and has been primarily involved with E911 since 2006. We create, edit, and deploy E911 map data to various clients throughout the Midwest. Along with creating and maintaining 911 map data, we also provide customized ArcGIS addressing tools. Our Address Management and Integration (AMI) tools are utilized by 911 Communications, Appraisal, and Emergency Management departments. Other GIS products include, Online GIS Web Hosting and x911 Mobile Response App, found on iTunes and Google Play.



AMI is a web service based GIS addressing system. Each address that is created, is then stored to the cloud for access through a County’s Master Address Database website. This website is then accessible to all departments throughout an entire County. Having access to the Master Address Database, allows for better address records management across all departments. The AMI and Master Address Database tools can be viewed on our YouTube Channel - ATCi GIS - AMI. is our custom built GIS web hosting platform. We can host a wide variety of GIS data. With our custom Security features, we can allow for the individual Counties to add new users and edit permissions, instead of waiting on the vendor to complete that task. In Kansas, the Parcels Layer has a custom built Property Records Card, along with secure Sales Data Search. eXactMaps is our mobile location App, for Apple and Android devices. We use actual 911 GIS Address information to search and route to County verified addresses. We also have road intersection data that can be searched and routed. We have many agencies across Kansas using this App to search and route to emergency calls, fires, accidents, etc. This App is one of the most accurate location apps on the market. We are not limited to Kansas; we are looking to expand eXactMaps to any County or State that would like to utilize it. You can also find eXactMaps videos on our YouTube Channel - ATCi GIS - eXactMaps

Services Provided:

Application Development, Data Conversion/Migration, Hosting Services, System Integration