Solution details
Founded in 1991, TomTom is a leading provider of navigation and location-based products and services. TomTom acquired TeleAtlas in 2008 and today, over 45 million people use its solutions every day. TomTom map data powers dedicated portable navigation devices (PNDs), in-dash car systems or tracking and tracing solutions for fleet management. In addition, hundreds of millions of people use TomTom’s digital maps on the internet or mobile phones. Data features include: - Maps all around the world, reaching more than 3 billion people. - TomTom utilizes an advanced methodology for collecting and verifying data — data is gathered from every possible source, geo-referenced with advanced aerial imagery and verified by TomTom’s own team, who is out driving the road every day. - Real-time traffic available in 33 countries. - Customizable licensing options by the city, county, state/province or country. - Quarterly, semi-annual or annual updates available. TomTom map data can be leveraged in a variety of applications and ADCi has several licensing options available, including: - Fleet Management – the high quality mapping, routing and traffic information you need to manage your fleet - GIS – accurate data for all of your in-house geospatial needs - Geocoding – accurate data for all your geocoding needs - AutoCAD – double-lined roads in .dwg format - MultiNet Post – point and polygon data available for the US and Canada. - Telco – comprehensive view of the telecommunication boundaries in North America - Administrative Areas – highly detailed and accurate boundaries of municipal and census defined geographic divisions - Add-on Content – Speed Profiles, Address Points and more To find out more about TomTom’s map products, contact ADCi today.
Community Development,Education,Forestry,GIS,Health & Human Services,Public Safety,Public Transit