Anatum GeoMobile Solutionsl are experts in high-accuracy GNSS receivers (sub-meter and centimeter) and software. We are a leader in the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) approach to collecting high-accuracy GIS and surveying data using your smartphone or tablet such as iPhone, iPad, Galaxy, or Surface Pro. We are also experts in setting up high-accuracy GIS workflows using Esri Collector, Survey123 or ArcPad running on a mobile device, with data feeding real-time into ArcGIS Online (or Portal) and ArcGIS Server. We also assist our clients in deploying Esri Workforce and Navigator for managing field team data collection. AGS is a one-stop shop for supplying all things high-accuracy, including high-accuracy GNSS receivers, from Arrows to Trimbles, Esri software, custom data collection templates, and ArcGIS. We also supply iPads, ToughPads, Android tablets, Class II DOT GPS field vests, carbon fiber rangepoles and RAM Mounts. If you want to try before you buy, we have a large rental pool of sub-meter and RTK receivers, iPads, rangepoles that we can setup with Collector, Survey123, or ArcPad that feed data into ArcGIS Online so you can begin mapping right away.