Aphelion LTD t/a CiviQ

Leixlip, Ireland


CiviQ was established in 2012 with research into how community engagement could be more inclusive and deliberative. Founders and co-researchers published a paper published in the international journal Policy and Internet: ‘Bridging Normative Democratic Theory and Internet Technologies: A Proposal for Scaling Citizen Policy Deliberations’ (2013) where the SOWIT model was outlined (Social Web for Inclusive and Transparent Democracy). CiviQ was set up to deliver this inclusive model of which OpenConsult is the first part of the broader innovative framework. As part of its research driven innovations, CiviQ are members of a large EU grant funded consortium on research programmes for innovations in intersectional inclusion in citizen engagement. Our team comprises experts in development, communications, stakeholder engagement, local planning and research. CiviQ has operations in the Ireland and the UK and are currently beginning to operate in Canda and the US. Clients include Cities, Counties, Energy and Transport Infrastructure bodies, Housing Associations and Government Departments. The OpenConsult platform began with a focus on the needs for effective engagements, given the role of public participation in citizens’ experience of the democratic process. Core engagements features were developed e.g. producing easy to read web versions of complex planning documents, interactive maps and effective reporting.



Opinion data analysis We can support your team through the cycle of data capture, stakeholder sampling, and analysis. Our services not only guide you through the process but also ensure that your team gains advanced skills through the process. Content Publishing We design and create user friendly, accessible and interactive consultation materials on our OpenConsult engagement platform. Consultation Services If you are about to prepare or are running a public consultation and need advice, we can help. In co-production with our partners, we can help you run effective and fun engagements events with your stakeholders. Research As a research-driven organisation, we are always open to research projects with our clients, and the opportunity to collaborate on proposals such as Horizon 2020. We publish regularly in peer-reviewed journals and have participated in EU projects.

Services Provided:

Training Services
