Avolve Software is the market leader in electronic plan review. With 350 customers in North America and Europe, we support cities, counties, municipalities, and states to digitally transform the review and approval of their residential and commercial planning applications using innovative cloud-based technology. Avolve's products, ProjectDox and DigEplan, offer unparalleled choice for jurisdictions seeking to make the building plan review process more efficient, optimizing the experience for both permit applicants and plan reviewers. Incorporating Esri's native map viewer enables plan reviewers to consider organization infrastructure and utility data, imagery and basemaps into their workflow in a seamless experience. As the only electronic plan review software to incorporate Esri technology, Avolve delivers a unique capability to incorporate the additive spatial data in the building and development workflow. Key Partnerships include: - Accela - Tyler Technologies - VisualVault - CentralSquare - Clarity - Cloudpermit - OpenGov - Salesforce - Trimble Cityworks - Granicus - Infor