iPad Mobile Data Collection Solutions

By CDM Smith Inc.

Solution details




With over 15 years of experience in online and mobile workflows, CDM Smith has developed a flexible, customizable mobile framework for iOS. We recognize that anyone beginning a new mobile program will have their own unique approach and will encounter change over the life of that program. Our framework was developed based upon recognizing that this uniqueness and change is inherent and constant in any organization, at any level. Rather than building a focused application with a specific workflow, for example catch basin inspections, we designed a framework that would support multiple workflows. Each workflow, and the tools, spatial and attribute data elements behind it are specified by the user. Our framework takes advantage of standard spatial database schemas and database design principles. The framework allows the user to configure their database and map elements in ArcGIS server just as they would for any other application, be it desktop, web, or mobile. This includes domains for pick lists, blob storage for photos or video, as well as one-to-many relationships that are required for multi-visit inspection workflows. The user can design modules for each unique mobile workflow they have. For example, “Sewer Manhole Inspection” or “Street Light Inspection”. Data elements relevant to each module are entered into an XML file via tags. The tags also allow for the creation of “areas” within each module. For example, during an inspection, there may be areas for ‘General Information’, ‘Condition’ and ‘Measurements’. Each “area” can have any number of attributes assigned to it. The areas become separate pages in the application, which are accessed via swipe gestures. The aforementioned XML file is stored on an externally facing server. Each time the application opens, it retrieves and interprets the XML file, creates the appropriate forms, and enables the required tools on the fly. That means, all changes in the database or XML setup are realized immediately to the user, with no changes to code required. The system is fully managed and maintained by non-developers. Tools include: Edit Features, Collect New Features, Capture Photos or Videos, Edit Existing Attributes, Create New Inspection, View Existing Inspection, Search, Buffer, GPS Location, Layer and Legend Control, Customizable Thematic Maps, etc.


Community Development,GIS,Public Engineering

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