Solution details
The County of Sussex, New Jersey requested Civil Solutions to customize and implement the Tax Parcel Viewer and the Land Use Public Notification applications to replace an existing Esri-ArcIMS based application. Civil Solutions has worked with the County since 2006, providing GIS data development, application development, and consulting services on a variety of geospatial initiatives. Civil Solutions was eager to work with the County since it was an important step in the County’s service-oriented transformation, as well as the first client-serviced ArcGIS template application modifications Civil Solutions had performed. The County and Civil Solutions closely collaborated with the implementation to ensure both content-specific goals and operational goals were achieved. After the initial template applications were implemented, the County requested modifications to account for functional gaps relative to their specific needs. The scope of work included organization specific attributes which also required the customization of the tax parcel feature class within the County’s Local Government Information Model. Civil Solutions added the County’s municipal zoning AGO hosted feature service to extend the Tax Parcel Viewer application’s pop-up with that data. Civil Solutions also implemented and customized the Pubic Land Use Notification template application. Enhancements included a customized attribute pop-up and a custom csv file output as part of the reporting module. Both applications are being used by the County, local municipalities, and the public in an effort to improve business process efficiencies as well as promote accessibility and transparency in government.