Consultora Igeo SA

La Plata, Argentina


IGEO es una empresa especializada en Sistemas de Información Geográfica y servicios de Geomática, orientada al desarrollo de productos y consultoría. Se destacan los servicios en el Sector de Petróleo & Gas, Servicios Públicos, Medio Ambiente, Agricultura, Catastro Territorial y Sector Público.



IGEO is specialized in GIS and Geomatics services oriented product development and consulting. Our products and services make value chains where they act synergistically: technology, development, experience, knowledge transfer and integration of client personnel at each stage of the project. In this sense, a correct definition of customer expectations and their needs, allows us to establish interdisciplinary teams to suit the needs of each project, avoiding the transfer of high fixed costs and ensuring the most cost-effective. In this way, we ensure best practices in geomatics, in the application of geo and project management of IG, because we believe our achievements and results depend on the satisfaction of our customers. Thus the pillars of our business philosophy is based on: mission To provide our experience and knowledge to integrate the geographic information in organizations, creating value for management and decision making processes. vision Being the organization that provides certainty of success in implementing projects IG companies and public agencies. values Teamwork, respect, responsibility, confidentiality, ethics, integrity and innovation. Profile of Consultants The professionals iGeo, form a multidisciplinary team that has extensive experience in the area of IG Management, GIS and Remote Sensing development, expertise backed by the quality of the personal profiles that distinguishes us.

Services Provided:

Application Development, Business Case Development, Data Conversion/Migration, Data Model & Database Design, GIS Strategy and Planning, Implementation, Needs and Requirements, System Architecture and Design, System Integration

