Global Convenience and Grocery Store Data | 12M+ Businesses | 250 Countries & Te

By dataplor

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dataplor's Global Convenience and Grocery Store Dataset covers 12+ million locations across 250 countries and territories, making it one of the most comprehensive global datasets available. This global dataset is particularly valued for its ability to provide updates in real-time. In the dynamic world of retail, staying ahead requires accurate, up-to-date information. Our Global Leading Convenience and Grocery Stores Dataset delivers precisely that, offering a comprehensive view of top convenience and grocery store locations worldwide. Data Points for In-Depth Analysis: -Store Identification & Naming: Official convenience and grocery store names, reflecting regional variations, and unique IDs for easy tracking. -Business Type & Focus: Clear categorization into primary and secondary business types (e.g., Convenience Store, Supermarket, Bodega). -Precise Location Information: Street names, city, state/province, postal code, country, and neighborhood data. -Geo-Coordinates for Mapping: Precise latitude and longitude for mapping and location-based analysis. -Operational Status & Data Reliability: Indicates whether stores are open or closed, along with a confidence score for data accuracy. -Establishment Date: Historical context for trend analysis. Applications Across the Retail Landscape: -Comprehensive Market Evaluation: Assess store distribution and density globally. -Strategic Store Placement: Identify potential new store sites based on demographics and competition. -Customer-Centric Marketing: Reach customers near specific stores for increased engagement and sales. -Understanding the Competitive Environment: Gain insights into competitor locations for effective strategy development. -Optimized Supply Chain Logistics: Streamline supply chains based on store distribution. The Global Leading Convenience and Grocery Stores Dataset is your key to informed decision-making in the retail sector. Harness its power to gain a competitive advantage and drive success in this ever-evolving market!



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