DeepWalk Research Inc

Chicago, IL, United States


DeepWalk is an automatic ADA inspection software that uses LiDAR scanners in the iPhone to measure sidewalk systems for accessibility compliance. We provide municipalities, universities, and the consultants they work with an efficient way to collect, measure, and receive sidewalk data that is crucial to completing ADA transition plans. With DeepWalk’s Mobile App, the data collection process for sidewalk inspections has been simplified. Removing the tedious and time-consuming process of manual sidewalk inspections, our scanning application allows our users to quickly collect and upload sidewalk data to our automated measurement system. Then DeepWalk automatically measures the scans for compliance with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Public Right of Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG) and delivers reports and mapping files detailing the barriers to accessibility. Utilizing ArcGIS, DeepWalk has four pre-made deliverables that allow for data to be easily shared and integrated with existing workflows.