Dira ProSuite QA

By Dira GeoSystems AG

Solution details




Dira ProSuite QA is the comprehensive solution for quality assurance of geodata in ArcGIS. It stands out with its efficiency, checking logic, stability, scalability and integrability and is used by organisations responsible for large, complex or critical data sets. With Dira ProSuite QA geodata and map producers increase productivity and data quality both during editing and in automated processes, such as import/export workflows. The Dira ProSuite QA service can be run on the server, in the background on the desktop client or via hosted service. Data verification can be started interactively from the ArcGIS Pro AddIn, the ArcGIS Pro Geoprocessing Tool or by using the fine-granular Python API. More than 130 available test algorithms cover checks for geometries, attributes, topological relationships, proximity, linear networks, polygon networks, M-values, Z-values, 3D buildings and schema tests. Dira ProSuite QA features: - High-performance checking of spatial relations, even for very large data sets - The issue geometry is precisely located and the involved features are accurately identified - Complex attribute conditions can be combined with spatial conditions - Individual exceptions can be persisted and excluded in future verifications - Features of several databases can be checked against each other - Found issues can be interactively navigated and fixed with the help of the efficient Dira ProSuite Edit Tools



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