Capture mApps

By E Ring Com Inc

Solution details




Capture mApps is a cloud based document management solution for ARC desktops, ARC GIS online and ARC based mobile solutions. Users can attach any type of document, picture, video file and notes to any ARC feature from any of the ARC products. Capture mApps is tightly integrated with all the ARC products so that the ARC users can have a seamless experience when navigating from maps to attaching and accessing documents and notes. With Capture mApps organizations can set up various levels of access control for the documents attached to the ARC features. All the documents attached to ARC features are securely stored in the Capture cloud. Since Capture mApps is a cloud based solution users can start attaching documents to their ARC feature minutes after they sign up.


Electric & Gas,Highways & Roads,Land Records,Public Engineering,Public Safety,Public Works

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