Geo-4D Ltd

Faringdon, United Kingdom


Geo-4D is a geoconsultancy providing technical expertise and innovative 3D data visualisation and ground modelling for renewables, engineering, oil & gas and mining sectors, both offshore and onshore. Geo-4D core staff and associates are highly qualified and have a wealth of experience in the planning, management and implementation of onshore and offshore survey projects worldwide. With key skills in geophysical survey, geology, geotechnical engineering, cartography and GIS.



Geo-4D offers full ground modelling capability and expertise combined with data QC and management services. We use the only software available (Geocap GM) that enables full interaction with ALL relevant site data, on dedicated work stations, avoiding the use of multiple software packages and awkward file exchange formats. The interpretation and calibration of all visualised data to most accurately reflect 4D reality is conducted by qualified and highly experienced geoscientists. As an ESRI partner, we can provide advice and supply appropriate ArcGIS software licenses as required. We are also able to integrate results with clients’ existing GIS systems. Geo-4D uses, re-sells and develops both ArcGIS and Geocap software for data integration and ground modelling. ArcGIS used in conjunction with Geocap software offers additional power in visualization and interpretation that makes it easy to manage the full cycle of a project from conception to construction. Integrating data from all onshore and offshore environmental, geophysical, geotechnical and human impact and FEED studies to provide a complete picture of proposed works and investment. Geo-4D offers experienced geoscientists and cartographic GIS expertise and geotechnical know-how to plan, collate, anaylse and interpret survey data to provide clear planning. Geo-4d offers full Geophysical, Geotechnical and Metocean site investigation support.

Services Provided:

Data Model & Database Design, GIS Strategy and Planning, Hosting Services, Implementation, Needs and Requirements


Electric & Gas,GIS,Geologic,Marine,Petroleum