
By GEO Jobe

Solution details




Administrative Benefits mapfolio is perfect for ArcGIS® Online administrators like you who need an easier way for their users to find the organization’s web applications and content. Not everyone needs access to "all items" and functionality within your organization’s ArcGIS® Online account. To some, this can be overwhelming. With mapfolio, your organization’s content is filtered to give your users a personalized landing page. This makes it easier for those non-GIS users to find what they need without any unnecessary distractions. Once configured, users login to ArcGIS® Online through a shared mapfolio site and have immediate access to their groups, web applications and content. If your users can quickly find the information they are looking for, the more likely they are to use it and use it often. Filter Content mapfolio enables you to quickly filter the content and give GIS users and non-GIS users access to their data directly. Users that need access to their groups and web applications will no longer ask the questions "Where is this?" and "Where is that?". mapfolio’s simple interface minimizes content and makes it easy to find web applications, pdf’s and end user content used for consuming data. The sleek design enables users to navigate to their groups and web applications in less clicks without confusion. There is no learning curve with mapfolio. Users get in, get what they need and get out. It's that simple. Individual Profiles Personalization is easy! With the click of a button, accounts can be personalized with an option to show the user’s profile in the banner. Giving each user their personalized content landing page adds a level of familiarity and intimacy for the user. mapfolio builds confidence and empowers your users within their accounts.


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