Since 1984 GeoData has co-ordinated interdisciplinary research projects and consultancy services focused on the acquisition, processing and communication of data and information. A strong emphasis on integrated river catchment management and coastal zone management has characterised the Institute's work, but its remit has extended across the whole field of environment as well as involving related aspects of social and economic evaluation and development. In practice there is an emphasis on UK and Irish projects, but the Institute also has extensive experience in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia. GeoData's approach has been founded upon a commitment to integrated multidisciplinary projects with a strong basis in data handling and access to information. Participatory and ethical frameworks are encouraged, including professional user survey, change management, and public participation. Skill transfer, introductory and advanced training, and public awareness are key elements in project implementation. Important enabling technologies to support these missions include digital data acquisition, database design, Geographic Information System (GIS) implementation, interactive multimedia, (publishing and courseware) and Web-based delivery.