
Dubai, United Arab Emirates


GeoDyn provides fast automated scanning and georeferencing of aerial film archives to provide access to the wealth of temporal information contained in the many millions of aerial photographs still locked away in the archives of Governmental and Public Organizations worldwide. Projects to scan aerial film archives that were previously prohibitively expensive and time consuming can now be inexpensively and quickly implemented, expanding the temporal data available for GIS visualization and analysis.



Aerial film scanning and georeferencing. GeoDyn efficiently converts aerial film archives into accurately georeferenced ortho mosaics that can be used for fast visualization and analysis so as to look into the past, determine trends and better prepare for the future.

Services Provided:

Data Conversion/Migration, Data Model & Database Design, Hosting Services, Implementation


Archaeological & Historic Preservation,Conservation,Defense,Environmental Management,Forestry,Highways & Roads,Land Records,Libraries & Museums,Map, Chart & Data Production,Petroleum,Public Engineering,Water Resources
