Worldwide Boundaries Database

By GeoPostcodes

Solution details




Empower your location-based visualizations in ArcGIS with our edge-matched polygons, even in difficult geographies. Our on-premise boundaries cover administrative and postal divisions with up to 6 precision levels: a zip code layer and up to 5 administrative levels. All levels follow a seamless hierarchical structure for accurately mapping the world at any scale. Our topological model is complimented by a dedicated algorithm to establish spatial relationships, ensuring: - No gaps or overlaps - No duplicate data thanks to mutualized edges - Clean coastlines and borders The shapefiles are offered in high-precision and visualization resolution and are easily customized on-premise. The boundaries database can seamlessly integrate with our Zip code and Street products to enrich your boundary data with city definitions, UNLOCODE and IATA codes, multi-languages, etc. Companies like Safegraph, DB Schenker, or Opterrix rely on our accurate boundary data.


GIS,Map, Chart & Data Production

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