
Roseville, CA, United States


The mission of GISetc is to provide cutting-edge GIS professional development, curriculum, and software support to K-12 and post-secondary educators and students. Our goal is to advance education, improve the quality of curricula, provide authentic research and learning projects, and provide teacher training and skill development in an atmosphere of discovery. We use ArcGIS, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Pro, and Desktop to integrate GIS and geospatial elements into traditional content. We create custom as well as industry-wide solutions for implementing GIS into any instructional environment. GISetc has been honored to be awarded the 2007 Esri Business Partner of the Year, the 2017 National GeoTech Center Geospatial Education Partner Award. We have been Esri Teachers Teaching Teachers GIS Instructors from 2009 - 2018, and Co-Authors of the Mapping Our World and Our World Series.



GISetc’s mission is to provide cutting-edge GIS professional development, curriculum and software support to K-12 and post-secondary schools, educators and students. We’re excited about the possibilities of Esri’s ConnectEd initiative, the amazing potential of the GeoMentor community, and how geospatially enabled curriculum can empower learning. Our goal is to advance education, improve quality of curricula, provide authentic research and learning projects, and to provide training and skill development in an atmosphere of discovery. We create custom curriculum for a variety of educational settings that desire a GIS solution to their problems. We provide multidisciplinary, GIS teacher and student training and skill development in an atmosphere of discovery for all levels, K-16. We write books that integrate GIS and geospatial technologies that are applicable in a variety of educational settings, traditional as well as informal.

Services Provided:

Application Development, GIS Strategy and Planning, Implementation, Training Services


Community Development,Conservation,Education
