GISagri suite

By INFLOR Consultoria e Sistemas

Solution details




GISAgri is a suite of products, composed of APIs, Web Applications, Mobile App, etc, which comprises a solution created by INFLOR to fulfill the requirements of Geospatial features inside other solutions created in the company and to provide the market with a simple solution for managing, spatially, biological assets, whether forestry or agricultural. Its structure was designed to deal with different business models, covering forests, labor, equipment and own factories and third party, and different ways of management and production technologies. The system plans and controls all stages of formation and maintenance of forests by monitoring the physical variables of production, as well as the financial figures involved. Thus, it is possible to work with cost scenarios, calculate and determine operational efficiency and set targets and indicators for measuring performance and productivity. Since SGF plans, budgets, schedules and controls all forestry operations at the lowest detail level, it is possible to obtain different consolidated levels of information, performance and productivity to perform strategic, tactical and operational analysis.


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