
By K2Fly Ltd

Solution details




K2Fly’s Infoscope provides a single, spatially integrated data visualisation platform solution to manage information relating to land access and compliance across multiple industries. Built on a cutting-edge technology stack and cloud hosted, Infoscope is an unrivalled and comprehensive offering to manage access to land and assist with your social license to operate on land. It delivers effective stakeholder, tenement, cultural heritage, native title & environmental management along with a full life-cycle ground disturbance process. InfoScope’s unique relationship engine provides the perfect platform for integration and intelligence that goes beyond just connecting data. Leveraging on cloud scalability, this readily extendable platform built on the latest technology stack provides businesses a future-proof solution that grows with you. InfoScope manages your social license to operate on land by ensuring compliance through auto-triggered workflows, actions, watches and obligations management. A testament of the InfoScope capability is that it has been utilised by an industry leading iron ore producer to manage their land access across more than 1000 tenements in multiple jurisdictions within Australia and globally.


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