Vista Ridge Pipeline Asset Inventory and Work Order Management

By KCI Technologies Inc.

Solution details




In order to secure water for their future, the San Antonio City Council voted in October 2014 to approve the Vista Ridge Pipeline, designed to bring water to the city from aquifers six counties away. The San Antonio Water System (SAWS) embarked on a Public-Private Partnership (P3) to fund and build the system, which is currently the nation’s largest P3 water project to date. KCI was selected to develop the asset register and implement a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS). KCI team demonstrated the benefits of having a GIS support the CMMS to the client which led to the client opting for a GIS-centric SaaS solution. This solution benefited from the reduced need for specialized GIS training, as well as no reliance on local IT support or local infrastructure. The project team selected ArcGIS Online and Cityworks Online as the enterprise platforms of choice. The GIS and the CMMS in the SaaS model, coupled with Cityworks Mobile’s offline mode, meant that accessibility would not be a concern despite the remote locations of the project. The asset register was created by using Esri information models as the basis for the linear schema. The vertical schema was developed from scratch to meet the physical design of and operator workflows against the system. Using Esri’s ArcGIS Pro, the entire system inventory was captured prior to go-live from design drawings, and data were published to a cloud-based enterprise GIS hosted by Esri’s AEC solutions in ArcGIS Online. Since go-live, the operators are using the ArcGIS Online / Cityworks Online solution for their day-to-day responsibilities. The Vista Ridge Pipeline is now supplying up to 44 million gallons of water daily to the residents of San Antonio. As this historic infrastructure moves into the next phase of its lifecycle, GIS and Cityworks will undoubtedly be a critical tool to ensuring the effective operations and maintenance.


Water, Wastewater & Stormwater

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