Solution details
This is a group of exclusion zones categorized by their inherent negative impacts on solar development compiled by LandGate. This dataset includes features such as, topographic slope, flood zones, dwellings, waterways, tree canopies, wilderness, nation and state parks, hazardous sites, grasslands, federal wetlands, state wetlands, railroads, oil and gas wells, water wells, hyddrocarbon gas liquid pipelines, natural gas pipelines, and CO2 pipelines. Electric transmission system operators require projects to undergo feasibility and impact studies before connecting to the grid. This process determines necessary transmission equipment or upgrades and assigns their costs. Projects in this stage are listed in "interconnection queues." LandGate sources interconnection queues from ISOs and RTOs, automatically updating them in sync with published reports. This reflects any changes in status, projected in-service dates, and additions of new queues. Wind farms, collections of wind turbines that generate electricity, are classified based on their stage of development and operational status. Active: Wind farms that are fully constructed and operational, generating electricity and contributing to the power grid. Building: Wind farms that are currently under construction. Planned: Wind farms that have been proposed and are in the planning and permitting stages. Queued: Wind farms that are in the queue for grid connection and awaiting approval from the grid operator. Site Control: Wind farms where the developers have secured the rights to use the land but are not yet in the active development or construction phase. Retired: Wind farms that have ceased operations and are no longer generating electricity.