Megabyte Systems, Inc

Rocklin, CA, United States


Megabyte Systems, Inc. is the leading property tax system in California, providing a fully integrated Assessor, Auditor, and Tax Collector system that includes streamlined processing for increased efficiency. For over 35 years county clients have depended upon Megabyte Systems to keep records secure, maintain data integrity, and apply technology to help their staff accomplish more. Partnering with Esri will enable us to bring GIS integration to our software. Look for details about our solutions, coming soon!



Megabyte Systems has been serving California counties for 40 years. Megabyte is the market leader in California property tax systems, offering a fully integrated suite of software for Assessor's Offices, Auditors, and Tax Collectors. The flagship product, Megabyte Property Tax System (MPTS), incorporates processes used by the Clerk of the Board. Starting in 2024 Megabyte will integrate with Esri products for more comprehensive GIS connections for Assessor needs.

Services Provided:

Application Development, Needs and Requirements