GIS Module

By Pipelogix Inc.

Solution details




GIS License The PIPELOGIX GIS Module imports selected attributes from a shape file, Personal or SDE Geodatabase or a File Geodatabase. The user has the option of importing just the attribute detail, map, or both. The imported map is opened within the survey form so the CCTV operator can select an asset and have the attribute detail inserted into the survey fields saving valuable entry time and reducing the chance of data input errors. Multiple map templates can be created to import mainline, lateral, or/and manhole detail. PIPELOGIX functions: Filter the survey list based on selected criteria to highlight surveys on the displayed map Export all changes to the asset found during surveys or conditions to the geodatabase Export shape files based on defect type, date surveyed, grade or score values. ArcGIS functions: filter the map to highlight assets -all surveyed -specific defect type -specific grade or score value view all surveys for an asset view the most current movies, pictures or reports for the selected asset Select assets from the map and have surveys created for them in a PIPELOGIX project. Visit the partner's Web site for more about this solution.


Water, Wastewater & Stormwater

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