Solution details
In many transportation agencies, current software systems used to support project programming struggle to adequately address the growing needs of the DOT. Project information is fragmented and disjointed across multiple departments making it impossible to obtain an accurate, up to date picture of a project throughout its lifecycle. The P2S Planning interface allows users to create projects by entering information about the project, including funding sources and the locations affected. P2S projects have complete location information down to the milepoint in order to detect overlapping or conflicting projects. The ability to select from structures, intersections, railroad crossings and other items which may impact the project or the cost of the project is also provided. Once the project planning phase is complete, project programming can begin to obligate and authorize funds. This phase includes capturing additional information such as work phases, funding sources, obligation amounts and approval dates and proposed letting dates. Not only does P2S follow the project throughout its entire lifecycle, our solution automates the approval workflow process for projects. Select users and management staff receive targeted emails in sequence depending on their location in the approval cycle. PMG has designed P2S to be tightly coupled with Primavera, Roadway Inventory, Pavement Management, Maintenance Management and even with AASHTO’s web Trns•port™ and Trns•port SiteManager® solutions.