PRX Geographic is the leading supplier of corn, bean, and wheat supply/demand fundamentals to the US grain industry. Using the proprietary CMZA method, we are the preeminent provider of origination analysis. The completeness and accuracy of our fundamentals and publications are what distinguish PRX Geographic from other agriculture information providers.
Origination Analysis & Strategic Planning
The Strategic Edge
In addition to our grain fundamentals publications, we provide strategic planning services to help our clients with capital planning, major investments, mergers and acquisitions. The strategic service uses a geographic information system to map grain flows and measure the economics of grain origination. The process we use in this analysis, Commodity Market Zone Analysis (CMZA), was developed at the NASA Stennis Space Center in Mississippi. PRX was also involved with Stennis in the development of precision agriculture and crop condition monitoring. Today precision agriculture is in widespread use and has dramatically changed the way a producer manages land and yield. In the same sense CMZA lets agri-business entities manage and analyze the cost of grain origination and then focus on margin. Put simply, PRX Geographicâ„¢ provides analysis of commodity transportation networks to agriculture decision makers on critical capital projects.
Grain Fundamentals Publications Sample: http://www.prxgeo.com/cmzademo/cmzademo01.htm
Manage Complexity
Feasibility Studies
The Power to Decide
Services Provided:
Application Development, Business Case Development, GIS Strategy and Planning, Needs and Requirements