Solution details
General Census Phases FULLY AUTOMATE YOUR CENSUS OPERATIONS, CREATE INNOVATION, AND IMPROVE YOUR DATA QUALITY, FIELD WORK TIME & TECHNIQUES, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, THE ACCURACY OF DISSEMINATED RESULTS IN RECORD TIME. Professional Services: Load listing outcome data into the census schema. Study the questionnaires and business rules by a team of statisticians to ensure completeness and provide recommendations and feedback. Provide recommendations on adopted methodologies and best practices. Solutions and Systems: Administration System: Define and manage team hierarchy and users. Task assignment and fieldwork progress follow up. Review and approve questionnaires sent by fieldworkers. Real time fieldworkers tracking. Mobile data collection application. I-Census Operation. Room Data Quality Call Center. Data processing and coding. Geospatial system. Business intelligence. Dissemination Reports. Outputs and tabulation. Professional Services: Provide specialist and statistical experts to do after census data study, and implement imputation processes based on international equations and recommendations. Knowledge and Experience: RealSoft implemented Imputation processes in two census projects, and have good experience in imputation types and how to perform. In previous implementation of imputation, RealSoft applied what it knows about the size and type of neighboring households to fill in the number of people, or their characteristics, at the addresses with missing data. RealSoft recognizes that in many African countries and territories they will face challenges in getting an accurate data from the field, this is according to the rugged terrain nature, or due to political instability and internal wars; Thus they will consider providing and applying the required types and methodologies for imputing the missing data according to the required case, and based on the international standards methods of imputation.