RedZone enables the collection of smart data through its advanced inspection technologies and data collection capabilities. Autonomous robots help cities collect vast amounts of high quality information. Multi-Sensor Inspection technologies provide cities with a clear understanding of the condition of their most critical infrastructure. However, collecting better information, and more of it, does not itself enable smarter decisions. Information is all too often left in binders, put on shelves, or left on hard drives such that it cannot be used to enable informed decision making. To address this, RedZone has developed software tools to help municipalities manage and interact with their data, ultimately creating a centralized system of record. These software tools help tie inspection, work, and other asset information to a GIS map interface. The tools include embedded viewers so that video and multi-sensor can be quickly accessed or queried. Specialized decision support tools help managers weigh available information to identify their highest risk pipes and system areas. Together, this smarter data, along with tools to manage and make sense of the data, ultimately enable municipal wastewater managers to make smarter decisions and gain a more comprehensive understanding of their collection system.