Guelph, ON, Canada


RWDI is a specialty engineering consulting firm specializing in microclimate and environmental studies. The firm’s headquarters in Guelph, Ontario, was established in 1972. With offices in Canada, United States, England, Australia, India and China, our consultants meet the world’s most complex structural and architectural challenges with experience, knowledge and superior service. RWDI attributes its success to the combination of the excellence of its personnel and its extensive test facilities. RWDI’s staff of over 700 includes a team of engineers, scientists, meteorologists, and technicians. The test facilities include five boundary layer wind tunnel & specialized computer hardware and software for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis. RWDI-owned instrumentation is used to monitor air quality, noise, vibration, and meteorological conditions. The testing facilities are supported by an in-house model shop, CAD, integrated data acquisition and processing systems, and a broad base of instrumentation. These resources allow RWDI to offer a wide variety of services including: GIS Services: - Regulatory Permitting/ Emission Inventories & Reporting - Noise & Vibration - Environmental Impact Assessments - Ambient Monitoring - Stack Testing - Odour Assessments - Ventilation & Control Systems - Environmental Geoscience - Hydrogeology Water Resources - Waste Management - Custom Environmental Software - Regional Atmospheric Modelling/ Meteorology - Greenhouse Gases



Environmental Services: - Regulatory Permitting/ Emission Inventories & Reporting - Site Specific Climate Analysis - Regional Climate Modeling - Noise & Vibration - Environmental Impact Assessments - Ambient Monitoring - Stack Testing - Odour Assessments - Ventilation & Control Systems - Environmental Geoscience - Hydrogeology Water Resources - Waste Management - Custom Environmental Software - Regional Atmospheric Modelling / Meteorology - Greenhouse Gases - Regional Snow and Sand Drifting Assessment for Transportation Networks - Wind Engineering

Services Provided:

Application Development, Data Conversion/Migration, Data Model & Database Design, Needs and Requirements
