Statistical Research, Inc.

Redlands, CA, United States


Statistical Research, Inc. was established by Deborah K. and Jeffrey H. Altschul in 1983 to provide a vehicle for creative people to do interesting and exciting work on the human condition. In meeting the goals of this unique mission, we respond to our nation's goal of preserving its diverse historical and cultural values by integrating exciting research with compliance work and providing timely and cost-effective services in cultural resource management (CRM) and historic preservation. ~ Statistical Research, Inc. (SRI) is a woman-owned business certified by the Supplier Clearinghouse pursuant to California Public Utilities Commission General Order 156. We are also certified as a small business by the Small Business Administration (SBA) based on our Online Representations and Certifications Application (ORCA) and Central Contractor Registration (CCR) information.



Statistical Research, Inc., first and foremost means service. We provide comprehensive cultural resource management (CRM) services, technical support and services, and continuing education and public programs through the SRI Foundation. Comprehensive Cultural Resource Management Services Service begins with a complete understanding of the laws and regulations governing environmental and cultural resources. SRI understands our clients' needs for thorough, rapid, and cost-effective compliance. We serve clients in the private, federal, state, and municipal sectors. Statistical Research, Inc., leads our clients through the complicated compliance process without compromising our clients' ultimate objectives or our own commitment to historic preservation and sound research. With offices in Arizona, California, New Mexico, Texas, and Washington, we are well poised to respond quickly and efficiently. The Cartography and Geospatial Technologies Department (CAGST) at Statistical Research, Inc., is the premiere archaeological geospatial laboratory in the United States and has assisted scholars worldwide in spatial-data management, analysis, visualization, and interpretation. Our clients have included government agencies, university-based researchers, nonprofit foundations, and private-sector research consultants. Our work has contributed to projects throughout the United States as well as in Albania, England, Greece, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Türkiye.

Services Provided:

Application Development, Data Conversion/Migration, Data Model & Database Design, GIS Strategy and Planning, Implementation, System Architecture and Design, System Integration, Training Services