Technical Design s.r.l.

Cuneo, Italy


Technical Design S.r.l. works in the area of services for land management since 1978, it's specialised in production of digital cartography and in development of Geographic Information System (GIS) for public administration and private companies. Among its clients has many Municipal Administrations, Mountain Communities, Hilly Communities, Unions of Municipalities, Consortia and Private Companies. The company has the certified quality system UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 for the following activities: "GIS (geographic information system) software analysis, design, development, installation and related technical assistance and training. Production of cartographic data and geo-referenced databases. Trade of GIS software, CAD's and related technical assistance and training."



The main services offered are: - Analysis, design and development of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) of Desktop type and Web type for ESRI, Autodesk and Open Source platforms. - Development of Information Systems integrated with management software (demographics, tributes, protocol, bookeeping, etc.). - Development of the GisMaster software for the management of Cadastre, Municipal Master Plan, Building Practice, City Desk for Production Activities, Technological Networks, Civil Defense, House Numbers and Street Index, Shops and Commerce, Advertising Systems, etc. - Production of digital cartography and geo topographic databases using digital instruments. - Digitalization of cadastral maps according to the SOGEI specifications. - Digitalization of urban, geological, forestry, tourism cartography, etc. - Creation, updating and digitalization of municipal and intermunicipal plans for Civil Defense. - Digitalization of technological networks (water, sewer, gas, electricity, irrigation consortia, etc.). - Creation of geographic databases using the appropriate GPS equipment with survey in the site of house numbers, public lighting, road signs, advertising systems, etc.). - Training on GIS and CAD software, technical support and software maintenance.

Services Provided:

Application Development, Data Conversion/Migration, Data Model & Database Design, GIS Strategy and Planning, Hosting Services, Needs and Requirements, System Architecture and Design, System Integration, Training Services
