Techno-Environment Investment Co

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, United Republic of


Techno-Environment Investment Company is among of Tanzanian modern firm which dealing with Geospatial Technologies (GIS, Remote Sensing, AI, Data visualization Map Services), Environmental Related Business(Research, Data Collection, House Hold Survey, Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Audit, Assessment for Occupational Healthy and Safety in working places ), ICT Solutions and consultations, The firm commenced its activities since 2011 with main objective of transforming the local/traditional ways of environment sustainability and technological and data use for effectively decision making and business development.



Techno-Environment Investment Company is among of Tanzanian modern firm which dealing with Geospatial Technologies (GIS, Remote Sensing, AI, Data visualization Map Services), Environmental Related Business(Research, Data Collection, House Hold Survey, Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Audit, Assessment for Occupational Healthy and Safety in working places ),

Services Provided:

Application Development, Business Case Development, Data Conversion/Migration, Data Model & Database Design, GIS Strategy and Planning, Implementation, Needs and Requirements, System Integration, Training Services