Brno, Czech Republic


The company was set up in 1995 in Brno, in technological center of Czech Republic. During the time it became the leader of IT area and GIS transport solutions. On 31st December 2011 it had 58 employees, when the turnover was 6.5 mil Euros and the profit 2 mil Euros. The company is owned by the full family of present general director, Mr. Ing. Tomáš Miniberger. The goal and mission of the company is to provide the top-class and the latest IT solutions mainly in transport segment. The strategy for reaching these goals is the innovation connected with important investments to research and development and the narrow partnership with technological leaders all over the world (ESRI, Microsoft, Navteq, FUGRO Roadware, SWARCO…) The main segment, where the company works, is transport. In this segment it provides complete software solutions for ITS area (Intelligent Transport Systems) and for management of transport road asset area (Asset management). It also provides related GIS & CAD systems and IT infrastructure.



ITS – intelligent transport systems Complete systems of transport management and providing transport information • Collects transport data from telematics devices and systems such as FCD etc. • Makes update model of traffic including prediction of traffic situation • Suggests traffic precaution in real time • Applies traffic precaution on SSZ, VMS, line traffic control and via traffic information informs the drivers Road asset management It is complete software solution which fully covers the processes in area of road maintenance. The solution is divided into these subsystems: • Linear Referencing System – localizing substance of each road database • Digital Inventory System - system for detailed records of road networks • Pavement Management System – expert system for visualization of road´s condition and suggestion of optimal maintenance and repairs in time • Bridge Management System – system for detailed records of bridges • Winter Maintenance System – system for monitoring of roads´ condition in winter • Decision Support System – system for support of management´s decision making GIS Part of the portfolio are the software solutions which are contained in ITS and RAM system and next the independent geographical applications for different use • Linear reference systems as the substance of information traffic systems (GIS tools for data maintaining in linear reference systems) • GIS solution for data capturing, analysis and decision support

Services Provided:

Application Development, Business Case Development, Data Conversion/Migration, Data Model & Database Design, GIS Strategy and Planning, Hosting Services, Implementation, Needs and Requirements, System Architecture and Design, System Integration, Training Services