S.T.O.R.M. (Snow Plow Tracker)

By Whitney Bailey Cox & Magnani

Solution details




Utilizing Esri’s ArcGIS Online (AGOL) COTS, WebApp Builder and AGS, a database and application were built for the development and implementation of MDOT SHA’s 2018/19 winter season snow plow tracking application for the public to view the location of its winter snow operations fleet. This project involved working with MDOT SHA’s AVL provider BSM/Webtech to consume and publish its AVL data feed on MD iMAP’s public facing high availability infrastructure. The published data involved only displaying those vehicles traveling over 10mph with a 5-minute delay in vehicle location and only showing those vehicles within Maryland’s borders. Additionally, a breadcrumb service was constructed to show where the vehicles had traveled over the last thirty minutes that compile those breadcrumbs to construct a linear trail feature. The purpose of this application was to inform the public of MDOT SHA’s activity during winter events.


Highways & Roads,Public Works

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