Lara Oles, GIS training specialist, United States Forest Service, wore her new Esri “Map Girl” T-shirt right after attending the 2013 Esri International User Conference. She is shown here posing on her horse Slater near Heber City, Utah. She tells us, “In 2006 I was in a freak skiing accident, which left me with a paralyzed right arm and stroke-like symptoms in my right leg. I am now a para-equestrian training for a chance to represent the United States in the 2016 Paralympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.”

T-shirt Lands in Somaliland
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Dean Lambert, professor of geography, San Antonio College, San Antonio, Texas, visited the Laas Gaal archaeological site while traveling overland in the Somaliland autonomous region of Somalia. Naturally, he remembered to pack his Esri T-shirt!