
ArcGIS Content Can Enrich Your Public-Facing Maps and Apps

ArcGIS Online subscribers have access to a number of content layers, such as demographics, imagery, elevation, landscape, and historical maps. In some cases, such as demographics, these map layers consume ArcGIS Online credits and would be considered premium content services. In most cases, however, these layers are available at no additional cost to your ArcGIS subscription.

This high-resolution aerial imagery from the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) shows vegetation in contrast to built areas around a residential neighborhood in the United States.
This high-resolution aerial imagery from the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) shows vegetation in contrast to built areas around a residential neighborhood in the United States.

You are entitled to use these content layers in the maps and apps accessed by named users in your organization. You can also include these content layers in your public-facing maps and apps.

ArcGIS Online subscribers can use the content layers in maps and apps that they create and share with external users (e.g., customers, partners, public citizens), who can access them anonymously. For example, users can include a live map on a public website, such as a detailed demographic map of median home value to help attract and retain residents, or a live traffic map to help people avoid road closures and congestion during a local event.

Users can also take advantage of a dynamic image layer from the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) or Landsat 8 imagery, for instance, when working with other agencies or partners that need periodic access to this information but are not ArcGIS users. During a natural disaster, users may want to support response activities by including a reliable and scalable map layer that shows a live feed of the incident alongside other geographic information they are publishing such as open shelters or evacuation routes.

There are tools and workflows available through ArcGIS Online for you to create maps and apps that use your organization’s own accounts to access these content layers on behalf of your users. Learn more.