The biennial International Cartographic Conference (ICC) brings together map lovers from around the world to share experiences and the latest research in cartography and geographic information science (GIScience), as well as to enjoy the beauty and power of maps. The ICC—which attracts up to 1,000 delegates from various countries—offers an opportunity to network and connect with like-minded map enthusiasts and to inspire and be inspired by maps and the potential of geospatial data.

The Canadian Institute of Geomatics (CIG) will host the next ICC August 16–22, 2025, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. It will be the third time that an ICC is hosted in Canada, following ICC 1972 and ICC 1999, both of which took place in Ottawa. Vancouver is the largest city in Western Canada, where the fusion of urban sophistication, cultural richness, and natural beauty provides the perfect backdrop for a conference that inspires attendees to shape novel ideas for a future that leaves no one behind.
The 32nd ICC, which is centered on the theme Mapping the Future: Innovation, Inclusion, and Sustainability, will challenge attendees to envision a future in which maps and geospatial data are inclusive and can be trusted, even if some are generated by AI tools.
Paper submissions are due December 2, 2024, and abstracts are due December 9, 2024. Papers should cover topics related to the International Cartographic Association’s (ICA) commissions and working groups, which take on the art, science, and technology of cartography via topics such as map design, geospatial artificial intelligence (GeoAI), ethics, inclusive cartography, and the next generation of cartographers. The ICA also invites submissions on themes specific to the Canadian context, including decolonial maps, Indigenous mapmaking, and mapping the Arctic. The papers presented at the ICC are sure to elicit lively discussions in the sessions.
Maps and cartographic products from around the world will be showcased in the ICC’s International Cartographic Exhibition, along with finalists in the popular Barbara Petchenik Children’s World Map Drawing Competition. Technical tours will allow delegates to experience firsthand how local organizations in Vancouver practice cartography and GIScience.
The ICA’s numerous commissions—which each focus on a specific topic in modern cartography, including art, geovisualizations, and marine and mountain cartography—arrange preconference seminars and meet during the ICC to discuss their plans for research, workshops, and other collaborative initiatives. Some commissions organize fun activities related to maps, while some have more serious research presentations and discussions and others engage with local communities. Commission events are generally a great way to meet people and make friends in the cartographic community.
As a special ICC feature, anyone who accompanies a registrant for the conference, such as a friend, partner, or family member, receives complimentary entry to a technical session of their choice. That means that this friend or family member could go to your presentation and support you and your work.
For more information about the 32nd ICC, visit the conference’s website. To receive updates about the conference via email, subscribe to the LISTSERV.