Developing Mobile Web ArcGIS Applications
By Matthew Sheehan

This book provides a streamlined method for learning how to build web-based mobile applications using the ArcGIS API for JavaScript. Its target audience is GIS professionals who want to build these types of applications and have beginning or intermediate development skills. A good understanding of HTML5, CCS, and JavaScript is assumed. Familiarity with the ArcGIS API for JavaScript is helpful but not required. The book begins by identifying the requirements and restraints inherent in mobile application design then covers mobile frameworks and APIs. Succeeding chapters walk the reader through the development of a responsive mobile web application and its integration with ArcGIS Online. The final chapter covers creating a hybrid application that combines web and native applications. The example code for all exercises in the book is available online. Packt Publishing Ltd., 2015, 138 pp., ISBN: 978-1-78439-579-7
The New Science of Cities
By Michael Batty

Rather than as artifacts that occupy a “place in space,” author Michael Batty argues that cities can be seen as a system of flows and networks that change over time. Understanding how cities function and how to make them better places to live becomes increasingly important as more of the world’s population lives in urban areas and cities grow in size and complexity. While the attempt to fashion a science of cities is not a new concept, Batty recognizes complementary work in related research areas: urban economics, regional science, urban geography, and transportation as well as complexity theory. The book is organized into three sections. The first lays out the foundations for this new science of cities. The second focuses on understanding how cities function. The third addresses how cities could be designed. Batty is Bartlett Professor of Planning at University College London, where he is also chairman of the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA), and Visiting Distinguished Professor at Arizona State University. The MIT Press, 2013, 520 pp., ISBN: 978-0262019521