ArcGIS AppStudio

AppStudio for ArcGIS version 2.1 is Now Available!

We’re pleased to announce that version 2.1 of AppStudio for ArcGIS is now available. This release includes new features and productivity tools to help you quickly create beautiful apps to share to the public or deploy throughout an organization.

You can get the new version of AppStudio by logging into or downloading AppStudio Desktop and Player from the download page.

So What’s New in AppStudio 2.1?

To get more details see our posts on GeoNet

New Material Design Layouts

Material Design is a visual and interactive design standard developed and used by Google. With AppStudio 2.1 we have released five brand new beautiful ready-to-use layouts based on Material Design Guidelines. These layouts will not only save you time, but will also help you to create apps with a refined and professional look and feel. Please read this blog post to learn more about Material Design layouts.

Community Panel

We have implemented a new community panel in the AppStudio Desktop. The Community Panel provides live links to AppStudio Geonet questions, blogs, YouTube, and tweets so you can easily access and engage with the AppStudio Team and community.

Updated AppStudio Templates

Based on user feedback our easy-to-configure AppStudio app templates have also received an number of improvements.

New AppFramework plugins (Beta) :

AppStudio 2.1 includes some great new additions to the AppFramework that add important functionality our users have asked us to include and yes, they work cross platform. (Note: these feature are currently in Beta).

Learn More

Visit the AppStudio Group on GeoNet to Learn About AppStudio 2.1

Want to learn how to write custom apps with AppStudio?  You can watch recordings of our 2-Day AppStudio Workshop online.

To see examples of some of the great apps that have been created with AppStudio for ArcGIS visit the AppStudio Showcase.

We can’t wait to see the awesome apps you create with AppStuido 2.1.

–The AppStudio Team

By Chris LeSueur and Tina Jin

About the author

Chris LeSueur is a Product Manager with the Apps Team in Redlands, California.


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