Written by Kory Kramer, Customer Advocacy Lead – Desktop
While we hope you never experience a crash, if the application does stop working unexpectedly, in most cases ArcGIS Desktop applications are capable of capturing error information, which can then be sent to the Esri development team to analyze and fix the problem.
When you send an error report, you have the option to include your email address and a description of what you were doing when the problem happened.
We highly encourage you to include at least your email address as it allows us to communicate with you if we have a known fix for the issue you are reporting. We may also contact you for additional information about the crash. More details about what happens at Esri when we receive an error report can be found in the Error reporting for ArcGIS software help.

Recently, we have had a number of reports submitted for an issue that has already been fixed. However, most of these reports do not have an email address included, meaning that we are unable to respond with a link to the patch that fixes this issue.
This announcement is to inform ArcGIS 10.6.1 users (Desktop, Engine, and Server) that they are required to download and install the Buffering Degenerated Polygon Patch. This patch addresses an issue where calling the Buffer method on a polygon, which is created from a degenerate envelope, causes a failure. It is required for all 10.6.1 users and Esri recommends that you install the patch at your earliest opportunity.
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