ArcGIS Enterprise

Living Atlas in ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3: A new way to get fresh content

Living Atlas provides a ready-to-use collection of authoritative maps, layers, scenes and apps for your ArcGIS Enterprise organization. These items are available for all members of your ArcGIS Enterprise deployment for enrichment, analysis, use in apps, maps and more.

We have made some exciting changes to the Living Atlas in ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3. In the past, the Living Atlas content provided for your organization was tied to the ArcGIS Enterprise version you were using, and your collection of Living Atlas content was upgraded along with the software. We know that access to fresh, relevant data is important to the work you do, and we have introduced a new way to refresh the Living Atlas content in your organization.

Starting at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3, administrators will have the ability to refresh the Living Atlas content in their organization when Esri provides updated Living Atlas items. As soon as a new Living Atlas package is made available, one of your organization administrators can initiate a Living Atlas content update. This will allow your organization members access to a fresh set of Living Atlas content outside of doing an upgrade of your ArcGIS Enterprise deployment.

How does it work?

Administrators of your ArcGIS Enterprise organization will see a new tab in the organization settings for Living Atlas workflows. This tab contains the Living Atlas configuration settings, and a new section that tells you the version of content you currently have in your organization and allows you to update your Living Atlas content if a new release is available.

When updated content is available, you will see a notification that includes details about the new version. You can choose to update the content immediately or schedule an update for a later time.

Living Atlas tab in organization settings that shows a banner that states a new Living Atlas update is available
Living Atlas tab in organization settings showing an available Living Atlas update.

Once your Living Atlas content update begins, new items will be added, existing items will be updated if needed, and any deprecated content that is no longer available will be removed from your Enterprise portal. There is no down time for your organization as the content is updating – your users can continue to use the Enterprise portal as they normally do.

Living Atlas tab in organization settings that shows an update progress bar that states 1489 items left to update.

Once the update is complete, your organization has access to the newest available Living Atlas content for Enterprise users!

When will I get new content?

The release of new Living Atlas content for Enterprise users will initially match future releases of ArcGIS Enterprise. When a new version of ArcGIS Enterprise software is released, a Living Atlas package will be released alongside it.

The difference you will see, though, is that you will be able to get the latest Enterprise Living Atlas content without having to upgrade your Enterprise software. As long as you are on ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3 or later, you will have the opportunity to update to the latest and greatest Enterprise Living Atlas content.

If you are installing 11.3 soon after its release, you will be getting the most up-to-date Living Atlas content already included in your Enterprise portal. As we near the next release of ArcGIS Enterprise, check back in on your Living Atlas organization settings to find the next Living Atlas content version ready for you to update!

About the author

Katy is a product engineer on the ArcGIS Enterprise team. She has a background in GIS, remote sensing and environmental science, including experience as a hydraulic modelling and flood risk management consultant in the UK.

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