ArcGIS Enterprise

Podcast 11: Amit Rishi, RMSI; Customer success is a function of quality, cost, delivery, and service.

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RMSI continually ranks among the best companies to work for in India and has a long-standing legacy of connecting with their customers. The company puts excellent customer service as a foundational element to their operations and pours into their employees to make sure they can provide high quality service to the customer. In this episode of Geospatial Experiences, I have an amazing discussion with Amit Rishi, Sr. VP of Business for RMSI. While I have known Amit for years, I learned so much during our time together with this podcast. He is thoughtful with his words and has an insight that I don’t always anticipate. He did not disappoint in either of those areas during this podcast.

Amit and I have an excellent conversation around their business model, where it originates, what additional focus RMSI added, and truly how important the relationship between RMSI and the customer is to him. He emphasizes how critical it is to RMSI that they take time and establish a good understanding between their staff and a customer team when they start a new project. They want to be sure everyone is on the same page, but more importantly, Amit says it’s a good time to build rapport for if and when a challenge comes up on either side. Oftentimes customers hire RMSI for long-term projects and it is extremely beneficial to establish a good working relationship between them and the customer early in the process.

We also have a intriguing discussion about Amit’s predictions for where our technology is headed over the next 10-20 years as well as where the future of RMSI lies in that timeframe. Amit is insightful, crisp, and has a depth of understanding about customers and business that is unparalleled. You won’t want to miss this conversation!

About the authors

Melissa is an engineer on the product team focused in applied geography. She can be found hiking and exploring national parks during her travels.

Remi is the Product Manager for the ArcGIS Utility Network and spends his free time exploring the US Southwest desert and California beaches.

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