ArcGIS Hub

Introducing the Engagement Matters Podcast

You’ve heard it before – many times in fact – that community engagement is important.  But what does that actually mean?  What is “engagement?”  Who should I be engaging?  Do I have a “community?”  How do I collaborate with these communities that I might have?  If any of these questions resonate with you, Esri has a new podcast that will help.

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Click on the audio player below to listen to the trailer

(Listen on any of these platforms: Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, iHeartRadio, PlayerFM, Podbean)

A podcast?

Esri has great technical documentation on how to use GIS technology to do things: analyze data, make maps, build experiences, tell stories, and bring all of this together into Hubs. The Engagement Matters podcast will help guide you in the practical implementation of these things. Each episode, we’ll hear experts from a variety of fields talk about their engagement and collaboration efforts while they also share their engagement tips and tricks.

…and a companion blog!

We’ll also have a companion blog post for each episode which will summarize the conversation and help you reference specific nuggets of wisdom in the future (after you’ve listened to the audio of course). It’ll also be helpful for those of you that need to share an episode with a colleague or for people that learn better by reading than listening.

Why you should subscribe

Most of us work in roles where we have to derive meaning from data. Maybe that takes the form of a hotspot map that shows areas across a city where issues are concentrated. Maybe it’s a graph that shows trends over time. No matter what kind of work that you do, there’s a good chance that it requires input from other people. Engagement is a two-way conversation between you and the groups of stakeholders that you collaborate with. Coworkers, customers, constituents, or anyone else that might be impacted by the work that you do can be your “community.” Many of us have more than one community that we interact with. Regardless of how you define your community, making positive change in the world is directly tied to how effectively you can communicate and collaborate with these groups. You’re probably already doing some kind of engagement, but just don’t realize it. The guests on Engagement Matters will share relatable and real examples of projects they’ve worked on, things they’ve done to collaborate with people, and ways that they continually engage their communities over time.

About the authors

Nick O'Day is a Senior Consultant on Esri's Professional Services team where he leads complex ArcGIS implementations that drive insight and action through data. He also hosts Esri's "Engagement Matters" podcast where he talks to experts that are setting new standards in collaboration and engagement. Before joining Esri in 2022, Nick worked for 18 years in data analytics supporting local government, consulting firms, and startup companies using ArcGIS as a Chief Data Officer and GIS Manager. When Nick isn't GIS'ing, he's usually cooking, eating, or exploring something new in sunny Los Angeles.


Maria Jordan is a senior product marketer at Esri specializing in ArcGIS products and apps designed to improve community engagement, communication, collaboration, and data sharing. She has been at Esri for 20+ years in a variety of marketing roles and is focused on creating practical resources that convey best practices and customer successes to help organizations achieve their goals.

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