Here you will find all that is new and the related “how to” for ArcGIS Hub for July through September of 2024. Also included are links to more detailed information as well as easy ways to stay aware and learn more about Hub. New features and capabilities pertain to both Basic and Premium license levels.
- Redefined initiatives
- Custom web maps and web scenes
- Updated downloads experience
- Resources to check out

Redefined initiatives
Earlier this year, we introduced redefined initiatives in ArcGIS Hub to help you track and share your long-term objectives. Setting up an initiative is fast and flexible with a few key fields required and a variety of optional fields. You can customize your initiative to fit your needs, depending on the time frame, scale, work, and geography involved.
You can connect related projects, leverage maps and data, build in performance metrics, and include relevant content. The standardized view of redefined initiatives ensures that stakeholders have a consistent experience across your various initiatives.
Note: An initiative item is no longer automatically generated when you create a site. Initiatives are created within sites but are separate entities designed to help track and communicate longer-term goals.
Use redefined initiatives in workspaces
To start using redefined initiatives, just opt in to workspaces, the new interface for managing items in Hub. Each user can opt in from their user profile to begin using workspaces. Read more about Workspaces (beta) now available in ArcGIS Hub (Esri Community post).

Create an initiative
Site managers can create an initiative (within a Hub site) from the site catalog and from the site-level global navigation. From a live initiative view, you can access the initiative workspace to edit information and configure the live view.

Manage an initiative
Add and edit the title, summary, status, a map or image, metrics, and more via the workspace panes. Don’t forget to save your changes!

- Overview pane- Shows the status, purpose, map or image, page views, and a few more details.
- Dashboard pane- View some metrics and charts for page views with different timeframe options.
- Details pane- Add or change initiative information such as Description, Thumbnail, Status, etc. You can define a location to represent the initiative, which will display on the initiative view header.
- Metrics pane- Configure metrics to measure progress using static or dynamic values. Feature up to four metrics on the primary overview pane of project view. Metrics match the initiative’s sharing level but only editors can see those not featured.
- Projects pane- Add projects (as associations) that have common goals, geography, partners, and so on. The initiative view will display associated projects.

- Collaborators pane- Add groups so that members can help manage the initiative. Or you can add groups for those members to view the initiative (if not public).
- Content pane- Configure the initiative catalog by adding groups of content.
- Settings pane- Here you can do something new! Choose an existing web map or scene to show on the initiative view (see Custom web maps and web scenes below). Initiative owners can turn on delete protection or delete the initiative.
Display an initiative
Site managers can showcase initiatives on Hub sites by using the catalog, gallery cards, header links, or a button on the site. These will link to the live view of the initiative. The live initiative view includes a map showing the initiative location (or locations of associated projects).

Dig into more details in the Introducing redefined ‘Initiatives’ in ArcGIS Hub blog article and the Initiatives to Sites – change management FAQ post.
Custom web maps and web scenes
Earlier this year, we released discussion boards and redefined initiatives and made Hub projects generally available. One of the latest enhancements to these tools allows you to select a custom web map or web scene.
ArcGIS Hub Premium customers have access to these tools and can now display a web map or scene in the live view of boards, projects, and initiatives. Previously, you were limited to using the default grey map and any locations set on the Details pane of the workspace. Now, you can use this capability to enrich your collaborations within Hub.
- Project managers- Can now embed Urban web scenes to highlight sustainable development.
- Initiative managers- Can now provide geographic reference for how projects will impact your objectives.
- Discussion board managers- Can now coordinate discussions to gather feedback on existing infrastructure or plans.
From the published view of a project, initiative, or discussion board, select the Manage button to access the workspace. On the Settings pane, you can select an existing web map or web scene to display.

You can now leverage your own web maps and scenes to integrate geographic context and detail, as well as local or custom data into your work. This provides a rich user experience and enables better communication and collaboration. Learn more about how Web maps and web scenes are now available in discussion boards.
Updated downloads experience
We know that you need to share your content in an efficient and dependable way. This update is part of an ongoing effort to increase download stability, utilizing many elements from the existing hosted downloads experience. Improvements to all map services, feature services, and image services on dataset content views include:
- Streamlined design– New download card is smaller and simpler with single Download button.
- Download API- Requests are made to a new Hub `v1` download API.
- Progress- Users see indicators of download progress and percent complete (for map and feature services only).
- Additional resources– If configured, links to files not natively supported in ArcGIS Online (i.e. CAD files, PDF files, and so) will appear at the bottom of the downloads card.
- No files on your account- Private downloads don’t require creating item export files on your account.
- KML– KML is back as a downloadable format for hosted downloads.
- Spatial reference- Files use the service’s spatial reference instead of 4326 (except KML and GeoJSON which are only supported in 4326).
- CSV items– These no longer support filtered downloads. Instead, content managers should publish items based on services with table layers (just like feature and map layers).

These enhancements are available on items from non-hosted services and services hosted in Enterprise. The enhancements are already generally available for items hosted in ArcGIS Online with “extract” enabled on the service (export data setting).
More reliable downloads
With these changes, we removed unused, confusing, and complex features from the download experience. Hub continues to streamline download functionality , delegating more to the ArcGIS platform, and always working to offer a simple and reliable download experience. By using the export data setting on services, we are reducing technical complexity to expedite troubleshooting and response.

Use additional download features in workspaces
To use additional download-related features, content managers can opt in to workspaces (beta), the new way to manage items in Hub. These include an activity log of recent download errors (Dashboard pane) and setting up a schedule for when Hub checks for content updates and generates download files (Settings pane, public content only).
Another recent feature update allows content managers to configure an item to hide, show, and reorder the display of download formats. Try out workspaces today! Read more about Updated download cards… in this Esri Community post.
Read even more about recent Improvements to Hub downloads and new features coming (Esri Community post).

Resources to check out
Please share your insights on the Ideas board in Esri Community and stay “in the know” with these Hub events and resources:
- Provide feedback on ArcGIS Hub and get select access to new features
- Register to attend the Oct. 17 webinar on how to: Activate Volunteers and Enhance Community Collaboration
- Register to attend the Oct. 24 webinar to learn how to: Leverage ArcGIS in Homelessness Point-in-Time Counts
- Register to attend the Nov. 13 webinar on: Leveraging ArcGIS to Maximize Your SDI/NSDI Impact
- Check out these Essential Guides for Modern Spatial Data Infrastructure
- Follow us on “X” @ArcGISHub
- Sign up for the ArcGIS Hub e-newsletter
- Find inspiring sites in the ArcGIS Hub Gallery
Non-screenshot images are licensed from Adobe Stock.
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