ArcGIS Online

Pop-ups: text element essentials

This post was originally published on July 25, 2013, and has been updated. The last previous update was April 3, 2024.

An important, but sometimes overlooked, part of authoring good web maps is configuring pop-ups for layers. A good pop-up can turn a list of raw data into more meaningful information and provide an informative experience for viewers of your map.

Pop-ups are created by configuring and adding content elements. The elements are; Fields list, Chart, Image, Text, and Arcade. Arcade can also be used to create expressions that can be used in text elements. You can add multiple elements of any type and arrange them in any order, orienting them vertically, horizontally, or both.

For an overview, see Pop-ups: the essentials. This blog tutorial provides an overview of using pop-up text elements, covering the essentials to enable you to use them effectively.

Prior to adding content elements, it’s a good idea to configure layer fields and the pop-up title. See the following for more information:

Configure fields (in Pop-ups: the essentials)

Pop-up title (in Pop-ups: the essentials)

Pop-up text element examples map

You can view the examples outlined in this blog article using the pop-up text element examples map. Once you open the map, Sign In to save the map to your Content. You can also follow along without signing in.

Each pop-up configuration is presented in a unique layer, with the layer name indicating how the pop-up has been configured.

Open the layer pane from the Contents (dark) toolbar.

Map layers

To view the pop-up, toggle the visibility to show only the desired layer.

Toggle layer visibility

Click a feature in the map to view the configured pop-up.

Tip: Click the Dock button to dock the pop-up and view more of its content.

Dock pop-up

To see how the pop-up was configured, select the layer in the Layer pane and click Pop-ups in the Settings (light) toolbar. Click to expand the element then click Edit text to open the text element editor and see how it has been configured.

Configure pop-up text element

Add a text element

Click Add content to display a list of elements. Then choose Text.

Add text element
View larger image

When you add a text element, the text editor opens. Using the the editor you can type “{”  or use the Field list tool to select a field or expression, enter plain text, add links, use HTML, and use formatting tools to format the text. Hover over any button to learn more.

Text editor tools

Configure the text element

Follow the steps below to configure the text element in different ways. See the pop-up text element examples map to view the example layers and select and toggle their visibility to examine how they have been configured.

Text from one field

In some cases, an attribute field may contain descriptive text that you can add directly to your Text element. Type “{” to display a list of fields or click the Fields list tool, then select the field with the description.

Add field

When finished, click OK. The layer pop-up shown below uses the contents of the {DESC_} field to add a description for the feature.

Text from one field
View larger image

Formatted text with fields and links

Begin entering plain text and fields as desired. You can change the typography and choose foreground and background colors to emphasize specific information.

To add a link, select the text you want to use as the link, click the Link button, then enter the full URL (e.g., Note that only https links are supported.

To add a link that is in a field, the field must be added by hand using curly braces ({field}).

Tip: you can first add the field then copy and delete it. Enter the link text, click the Link button, and paste the copied field into the link input.

Formatted text and links
View larger image

Text element using HTML

Click the Source button in the editor to enter HTML. When finished, click the Source button again to view the results, then click OK. See Supported HTML for a list of supported HTML tags and attributes you can use.

View larger image

Using the HTML shown below, the pop-up was configured to display a table listing information about each peak using several other fields. You can also use the Insert table tool to help design the table, though it will likely need to be finished and finalized by editing the HTML directly.

Text element using Arcade

Arcade is an expression language that is supported across ArcGIS. It can be used to perform calculations, manipulate text, and evaluate logical statements.

In pop-ups, Arcade is used in two ways; to create expressions in text elements that can be evaluated like fields, or as separate elements that return a block of content.

This pop-up example uses a single expression ({expression/expr0}) to return a string describing the ranking of the prominence.

To create an Arcade expression, open Options in the Pop-up pane and click Attribute expressions.

Attribute expressions

A list of existing expressions will be displayed. Click the expression to open in the Arcaded editor. To add a new expression, click Add expression.

Add expression

This opens the Arcade editor. Enter the desired Arcade. Click Run to verify that it works. Optionally, change the title to make the expression easier to find and understand. When finished click Done.

Arcade expression

The Arcade shown below uses the integer value of prominence in feet to return a string which indicates the relative prominence ranking. For more information and to see more Arcade examples, see Pop-ups: Arcade essentials.

More information

Using text elements, you can apply a variety of techniques and style options to craft compelling and interesting pop-ups. Open California Peaks – Pop-up text element examples to view a variety of pop-up configurations, including those covered in this post.

For more information see the following:

About the author

I am a corporate technology evangelist and geo advocate at Esri, focusing on ways to broaden access to geographic information and helping customers succeed with ArcGIS. On a good day I'm making a map, on a great day I'm on one. Email or connect on LinkedIn (


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