Tabular infographics are presentation-ready infographic templates displaying modern data tables. You can build a tabular infographic from scratch by adding variables from the data browser or using data from an existing classic report. Start with a tabular infographic panel, then clear its contents to use the preset styling and add your own data. To add variables from the data browser, you can edit the tabular infographic panel in the infographic builder and browse the data browser. To add variables using data from an existing classic report, copy the data from the classic report and paste it into the tabular infographic panel.
How can I build a tabular infographic from scratch?
First, open your blank infographic template and add an element. Click Add panel from another template, browse to an existing tabular infographic, and choose a panel to work with. This panel has preset tabular style specifications.
This panel will be modified with customized data from the data browser or an existing classic report. It is useful to clear the table’s contents so that you can use it as a blank table template with preset styling. Hover over the table and click Edit to open the editor window.

In the editor window, clear the contents of the table. Select all of the cells in the table and press the Delete key on your keyboard. Or select all the cells and click the Settings button, click the Modify table tab, and click Clear cells. Click Apply to save the changes.

Now that you have a blank table with the tabular infographic styling, you can add variables starting either from the data browser or from an existing classic report.

How do I add variables from the data browser to a custom tabular infographic?
One method to customize the data is to choose your own variables using the data browser.
Use the blank template that you created with a tabular infographic panel as a style reference. Hover over the panel and click Edit to open the editor window. Add variables to the table from the data browser and drag them to the table. The table will automatically populate with the variable value and name.

Continue to modify your table with customized headings and any additional variables that you need. Click Apply to implement the changes. You can repeat the process by adding more tables and customizing the variables selected.
How do I convert an existing classic report to a tabular infographic?
You may have existing classic reports that you want to convert to tabular infographics. You can select the content from your classic report, copy the variables, and paste them into your blank tabular infographic panel.
Use the blank template that you created with a tabular infographic panel as a style reference. Then, go to your custom report template by clicking Build reports on the Reports tab. Click Get started for the first option Build a report from an existing report or from sections of existing reports. Select one of your custom reports and drag the report sections that you want to use from the existing report into the report template. Alternatively, you can add the full report by clicking + Add full report.

Return to the blank template that you created with a tabular infographic panel as a style reference by clicking Build infographics on the Build Reports tab. Hover over the table, and click Edit. In the editor window, click Table properties. Modify the panel with the number of rows and columns to match the table in the classic report. Click Apply to implement these changes.

If the banding did not apply to the new rows, highlight the row, click the Edit button, and select the Style cell tab. Click the Fill color color swatch, and select no fill for the rows that were added without banding.

Return to the classic report by clicking Build reports on the Build reports tab. Click the Edit in the report section, and highlight the data that you want to copy. Click the Edit button to open the settings, and click the Modify table tab. Click the Copy cells drop-down menu and select Variables and other content. The values and names of the variables are copied to your clipboard.

Navigate back to the infographic template by clicking Build infographics on the Build reports tab. Hover over the table and click Edit. In the editor window, highlight the cells in the table. Click the Edit button to open the settings, and click the Modify table tab. Click Paste cells to paste the variable names and values from the classic report into the table. Click Apply to implement the changes.

Now you have data from the classic report in the tabular infographic formatting. You can repeat the process by adding more tables and copying data from classic reports.

This article has introduced you to creating custom tabular infographics. It described how to create a custom template, how to add variables from the data browser, and how to add data using an existing classic report. These workflows are flexible and can be customized. It is recommended that you save the custom template you created to have a ready-to-use style reference. You can also create a custom tabular infographic using existing tables from the tabular infographics in the gallery and configure them to your preference. Please use the feedback option at the bottom of this blog article or post on Esri Community.
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